Lady Opossum


I know what you're gonna say

Opossums aren't endangered, BUT they're the 4th most common roadkill in the United States. 19 million Opossums are killed by automobiles every year! And they don't deserve it. And they need our protection too, because they're really cute. I saw one once in my garbage outside my building, first I thought it was a big rat, but then I looked and realized it was a cute opossum!

I think we need to stop picking and choosing which animals to love. Nuisance animals are animals too!

These guys are just too cute!

I love opossums! I love them! And this one is my soul mate:


Let's play... Dead!


If you ever want to feel truly alive - play dead for someone that you care about. When you feel the thrill of feeling how sad and terrified they are at losing you, you'll understand how precious life truly is. And sure, you might lose some friends along the way, but they don't really understand you anyway.